If there was any question about my personality type, I am an extrovert. Today was a great day. Although this is the first stage of summer mode, I am working on waking up at a reasonable hour to be productive. I have a few short essays to write this week for a take home final and throughout the summer I have books to read, research to do, papers to revise, and I’m stewing over another paper to write from scratch. In case you didn’t know, unlike public school teachers who get a fair portion of their summer off for leisure, amongst professors, summer is prime research and writing time. As I continue to aspire for such a role, it would be wise to ease into that pattern.
So yes, today was great. I got some work done. My alumnus is in close proximity and they have an unbeatable gym rate, so I have a place to exercise this summer. There is a new All-You-Can-Eat Sushi place that a friend and I tried. It is a winner. The price was reasonable, the selection sufficient, the fish was good, better than my previous AYCE sushi place down here and the distance was not bad. I still favor Korean BBQ as my number one social food, who doesn’t like BBQ after all. There might even be a time-lapse of one of my many KBBQ excursions on my facebook. It is not my video otherwise I would be a proper chap and link it here. I cannot recall the last time I have had such a food coma. I figured all the rice from the nigiri would take its toll. When I got home I lounged on the couch and according to the reports of the family, I was sound asleep for about an hour. In proper summer fashion, I later relocated to my bed for a couple more hours. Hence it is 1am and I writing this.
I love family dinners. I am going on my third year renting from a family which our meeting was unquestionably providential. At least three nights a week I am able to join them in family dinner. Between their company, wise counsel, and constant pursuit for Christ and his blessings, I cannot recall a more spiritually healthy living environment I have had. There are moments when I long that my own childhood was closer to that of the one the kids in the family are receiving, but we each have our own path. I should refer to the last blog that one ought not be envious of others joys but celebrate with them. There are no words that have the potential to properly express my gratefulness to be apart of this family.
After dinner and conversation I made my way to the gym. Whenever my schedule changes, it is always a challenge to establish a new schedule. For this last school year I would use the gym at Claremont McKenna, it is one of the best facilities I have been to in the US. It is also adjacent to the ROTC office and there is a bit of nostalgia to see the cadre around and the recruits shaping up to be the next generation of military leaders. I was blessed enough to finish my workout before I saw some undergrad friends I usually only see on Sunday. Between the military jokes with a marine veteran and the other an aspiring Army chaplain and the real talks we share, I value these friendships. Also, a gym is a great place for men to bond. I think such a venue is inferior only to a shooting range, camping trip, or BBQ. It might be of the same level as a football field.
On one hand I think back and the day was not as productive as I aimed... Then again, I did finish one of my essays tonight, so really the objective was completed. Between today and the recent Sundays which I have been able to join friends at lunch and the movies, I have missed the freedom of a social life. I am still trying to comprehend what this summer in Southern California will look like. Every memory I have of a summer in the last four years has been in the middle of Sequoia National Forest for the majority of the summer. Hume’s constant presence in my life has been a blessing. It has not been easy to recognize the passing of that season. I still hold on to hope that I might return for more than an incidental road trip or visit.
Summer is here. I look forward to the adventures and lessons that will be learned during this break from coursework.
"...one ought not be envious of others joys but celebrate with them." My Finnish wife says that most Finns need this admonition.