This started as an extended rabbit trail from my Why I support the Iraq war blog. I got worked up and excited about how irritating I find certain liberal points of view in their fairy tale world that they want to make policy.
I am reminded of an interview on Oprah (yea, I get that bored) which she was interviewing the Queen of Jordan. It struck odd when the Queen said the most important thing she wanted to raise her son was, “the idea that we are a world and too look out for everyone”. I am not so callous as to say it is completely stupid and a terrible mindset. I think it is a very happy view to approach the world with, but I do have this question in my mind. If we are always looking out for other nations who is looking after our own nation? Where does the authority over other nations come from?
The best answer in today’s world would either be the European Union or the United Nations. As I recall both are voluntary organizations which truly hold no valid authority over a sovereign nation. As noted with Iraq in 2003, the most the UN can do is ask, and it takes the agreement of the individual nations to take action to enforce agreements made. I have a hard time containing my laughter when people accuse the United States of violating international law; I simply ask to whom did we submit our sovereignty or what law did we break? If the Geneva Convention is the law, it is clear that the United States is practically the only country which actually follows it; it doesn’t count for a pacifist nation to cry about the horrors of war.
I have come to believe the liberal platform of foreign policy does not have the American people in their best interest. It seems in order for any foreign policy to be made they need the reassurance of the UN, NATO, or several other nations as if they have interests for our benefit. This goes with my disdain for the European Union as well. I believe the duty of a national leader is to look out for the people whom reside in the nation they represent and lead.
The introduction of the euro for instance, it has wreaked havoc upon the German economy, so why in their right mind would the leadership approve such an awful thing to their economy? For the good of the world? Well I like to be optimistic and think happy thoughts and all, but when push comes to shove the French government will not look after the Germans, nor the Italians or anyone else in the EU. I know this selfish political ideology is very American, I think it is for this that draws a great divide between European and American mindsets. We are very selfish and we look out for our own interests. Is that such a bad idea? I would like to think the world powers will rush to stop injustice at a moment’s notice simply because it is the “right thing to do”, but then we see events like Darfur…Sadly, when push comes to shove people look after their own interests.
In the spirit of happy thoughts I also wanted to comment on those who claim we no longer need a military, nor maintain military strength as a world power. First, I must say how on Earth does one believe our status as a world power was established? The US arose from the rubble of WWII as the world super-power; it was from our military strength which directly lead to the conclusion of the WWII in the first place. It was from WWII the US got out of the Great Depression. Once we became Top Dog in the world it is through our military's presence and ability that we were able to secure it.
Everyone knows whoever is on the top has the furthest to fall. Top dog also the most people who would like to see them fall from glory too. Though our political and diplomatic methods are greatly valued, I believe it is the ability to topple governments and overwhelm a country with military force which gives backbone to diplomacy. Talk is cheap; if we don't have any bite to backup our bark, then how could we be more than a diplomatic chihuahua?
On the personal level, it is far from the lifestyle I live to intimidate but as a body that represents millions of people and their interests, why would I have any interest in helping another country at such a cost of my own people? I am not opposed entirely to social programs to assist people in hard times, but when there is a way to help there is also a will to slack.
I think for a good portion of my high school days I was closer to a social conservative and a economical liberal, well from the last evaluation’s of where I stand I am almost completely conservative. It is more important to pay off our own debts, get rid of poverty within our own borders, before we spend fair portions of our budget to assist others. This is not to be selfish, but I believe in the long term if we can secure our own economy and stability we can be more helpful to those around. It isn’t too much to ask to be fiscally responsible before we are fiscally generous. For example, the last pie chart I saw noted the federal budget the interest paid on the national debt took up close to 30% to pay off the interest rate! Almost 1/3 of our tax dollars doing nothing but keeping us in the yellow. It is plain to see from any financial perspective that is extremely poor management.
I find it rather interesting with some simple comparative analysis; the liberal political view is very close to modern communism. For example, some points of similarity are universal and government provided healthcare and education. Being a Creationist I have strong objections to what is labeled “science” in the majority of public schools when it comes to the teaching of origins. Although I think many people do benefit from government provided healthcare I think it can be done much better in the public sector. It would be nice if everyone could have healthcare, but it is not a right, if it really was it would be named in the Preamble with the other unalienable rights granted to us.
Here is a thought; if people had to pay for their healthcare would they stop some of their regular destructive habits? I make an attempt to take care of my body because I have seen what can happen if I don't, many people don't think about such decisions on a regular basis. In fact, one sign of a developed nation, deaths from disease are from preventable diseases, verses those who die from unpreventable causes like infections, disease and the sort.
In Acts 5 the early church had a system similar to communism if not a communistic type of community with other Christians. I have heard of modern communities who continue to live in such a way. However, in Acts 6 Ananias and Saphira, two people who expressed their greed within the Christian community. Oh yea they were also the last people in scripture to be directly killed by God. I happen to think communism is a great idea in its purest form, but the only places one can find pure communism working successfully is either in someone's imagination or a book. Like most good-idea social experiments, as long as humans with a sin nature wander the Earth they cannot and will not work. There are many organizations that in their purest of forms are wonderful things, but when you add people we have this certain ability to mess it all up with very little effort.
If real life doesn't teach this I know the Army has certainly taught me this, cover your own butt. When stuff hits the fan make sure you are taken care of. I would like to be able to watch out for people all the time and put myself last but doing so is not in the best interest of my survival. I think this basic tactic should be applied to politics. This life philosophy takes an interesting turn with my theology. After all, how do I look out for number one and at the same time submit my life and desires to God? This is the balance I am learning with my experience here.
I can't tell you how many times I have been told to stand up for myself and not let other walk over me. I do not think people take me for being weak, but I have come across as a pushover. I look at it as making a fuss about trivial matters. Often it is easier and more beneficial, I believe especially to my testimony, to submit and get the job done. The bad part, often those forget what I do believe, forget I hold and do not move. I take stands on important matters. If I honestly believed by me not talking crap, I was a weak person, I would talk back. If I believed taking a few dead arms made me a wuss, I would hit back. I believe when push comes to shove, I can carry out my duty to the best of my ability and with a clear conscience because I do not do it for selfish reasons.
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