Dec 13, 2005

What a Wonderful World

I finally got a digital camera. Hopefully I will have posted some of the incredibly fascinating sights of Germany that I have seen... yawn (oops). I managed to get one on sale from the PX for what I think was a great deal. It is a nice 4.1MP Sony, like anyone, I started to play with it right after opening it. I quickly realized as I played with it on the ride back to base, a digital cam isn't that special…
I recall a good deal of interesting facts about the human body, animals and other aspects that are irreducibly complex to the point that God's creation should be obvious to anyone. Among those tidbits one that stuck out in my head was that the human eye records approximately 2 TB/s worth of information if that same information were to be put in digital form. I took note that the pictures I take at their quality were roughly 2mb each, seems about right I think the resolution is something like 2400 x 1900. A mathematical comparison the 2MB picture to 2TB of information the picture quality is somewhere along the lines of 1/1,000,000 in quality to what our eyes record each second.
It was not until I got the high tech 4.1MP digital camera that the statistics of my eyes started to click. With my outdated glasses I can see several miles out when the sky is clear, even with my corrupted unassisted eyes I can still see better sights than this new camera can capture. I tried taking some pictures of some cool looking buildings probably about 1/2 mile away, after all it was really big from my point of view and we weren't driving terribly fast. The pictures looked awful, if I managed to get the right area it was blurry, tiny, and the building was much smaller than what I saw. I understand the aspect of a fixed lens versus our lens, does that not make the function of our eyes that much more amazing? I even tried to take some pictures of traffic signs along the road. They were very blurry because I was still moving, and this was at like 10mph that the pictures still looked awful. There was a part of me that thought, "Awww jipped this camera is crap", then the other part of me is like "Woah, all of a sudden God’s creation really was something spectacular". This is especially amazing considering we have had how many millennia of mutations and fallenness that might have weakened our created state. What I can see, how clearly it is, and all the aspects of my sight, I just felt a little bit smaller and how awesomely God made our eyes. I didn't realize how cool it was until I saw what modern "technology" has produced in the 21st century, compared to my eyes. To think that is just our sight, who in their right mind says that our eyes are poorly evolved, cause if they are their still better than this camera, I mean things are undersized and lose focus at 20ft. It is simply awesome to realize how great God's creation is.

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