I think a lot of this became much clearer to me in the last week or two. The Saturday before last I went to play poker with some friends. Something to get out and heck, it was only a few bucks so why not. I suppose that could refer to James 4:17 as something that for me was not wrong and wasn't sinful, I don't doubt if a couple people might raise an eyebrow about the whole poker thing. The thing that really stuck out to me was how our ministry could be hindered.
I think a one of the couples there are Christians, I don't get to work with him very much but I did notice for the most part he doesn't curse and I know his wife definitely was raised to be Christian and she holds onto some of that. We had some good theological conversations and discussions about Christian music that also would persuade me to believe they are Christians. At the same time on of the things discussed at this last week’s bible study was concerning people who have said the prayer of salvation but do not or have not produced fruit, that topic might be a blog on its own. Anyways, they both got drunk that night, it was rather entertaining and made winning from them much easier in the course of the night, but in retrospect, it hit me how they didn't differentiate themselves from the other couple. I think it was clear that the other couple are not Christians.
A couple Friday night's ago there was a Unit Ball, it was as a whole deathly boring even for a formal event, I thought I had high tolerance to formals but wow, that was almost painful. One of the couples I know from church were there they were having some drinks, hey no big deal why not? They have their own reasons for wanting to drink. I feel like much of my experiences I view a step back from everyone else around me, like I am watching them all and not actually taking part in the events with them. I wondered, “How many Christians reduce aspects of ministry by taking part in the social norms?” I think drinking is definitely one of those social norms. By us taking part in the normal activities that the world takes part in, how many opportunities do we lose to show people our difference? I honestly think sometimes the more different my life is from everyone else the more enjoyable it will be. There are so many unhappy people around me, and I believe their lack of fulfillment is because of how they live their lives. It is like two manuals to life; the easily popular one is the way the world goes about things, and then there is the way the Bible instructs us.
There are several black and white guidelines that clearly tell us the do's and don'ts, but as I have gone about my life seeking to know God, I came to realize many if not all the guidelines in scripture are there for a good reason. These are principals that make sense without needing to have a relationship with God, knowing God just makes it that much better! As we go further in our lives we can expand to live more differently than just the do's and don'ts of scripture.
I think that is what gets these ideas to abstain from certain lifestyles and activities than the rest of the world seems crazy and extreme while we are enjoying life so much more. Through not experiencing things we are getting more out of life. This is completely against the most common attempt to persuade me to do something, “just try it once, how will you know it is not for you when you haven’t experienced it for yourself?” How many times have we all heard that one? For some reason people have this need to experience something to know if it is good or bad in order to learn something. I don't know if I stuck a fork in an outlet when I was little to figure it was a bad thing, but I think this is a perfect example to show this part of us starts early. There are some things we don't need to try that we are willing to take on faith, I don't know many people that will attempt to be poisoned to know that it really is poisonous. Where is the line society has drawn on what is it okay to take by faith and what is okay to take by experience?
Does this have to do with a need to belong? By experiencing some of the more painful aspects of life is that how we can greater connect with people? I remember hearing something like this in a sermon some years ago, that Christians should take things by faith and as we have become more faithful to more things we understand why we are to live such ways. I think the speaker said that was God simply checking to see if we can obey and then revealing the "why" is a reward for being faithful.
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