So this was my first Sunday in Illishiem. So far, I think I will really like it here, thus the title. I got here Friday afternoon and have been warmly received. My squad leader and the way he described the shop is everything I dreamed, namely not being gophers for another section. I actually have an NCOIC which is huge plus. The chapel service was casual, I wouldn't quiet call it contemporary but it is not liturgical. The chapel crowd like the post is small, but it has a nice family feel to it. The feeling around is everyone knows everyone, I like it so far. I met the youth leaders they are really on key and I think I will actually be able to help out in this youth ministry. The gym, oh the gym, it is huge. Doesn't have as many free weights as I would like but they do have much better assortment and at least one of everything, including a good wide grip pull-up bar that I was hoping for.
I talked to the Chaplin about starting a bible study or PMOC (Protestant Men of the Chapel), he told me they were praying for people that would come and take leadership in chapel activities. The support to start and my better understanding of what I can and cannot commit time wise I think this place was an answer to prayers. It is really nice to not be such a newb around here, I know much of the basic operations and much more about how the regular Army works, so I can properly assess what I can commit to. So far I know of one other single soldier in the chapel, good start already. I think I am getting plugged in quickly and very well.
With so much great stuff I can't help but mention the not so greats. Boondocks, easiest way to describe the location, we seem to be roughly 30-45 minutes from everything. I think I will get plenty of driving time logged in being a designated driver. I learned they got back from a deployment at the same time Jonathan got back, so they are not going anywhere in the recent future. It is very likely I will be home for Christmas. The commissary and PX are little larger than the shoppet I have been used to. It is very small; I would say the commissary (grocery store) is about the size of a large 7-11. The PX has little more than the usual hygiene products and home decor.
The best part, my room! Oh this is the best part. Right now I am living in a roughly 11x11 room with 2 other guys in the basement. We each have one wall locker but that does little good for me cause I got so much gear I had to bring over, in addition to my normal stuff. In theory I will be here a week, I'll see how it goes. The rooms I have to look forward are great. Not as nice as the one Jonathan had previously, but not too far from it. They have personal bathrooms; a very large living room with an included kitchenette, there is a well equipped community kitchen as well. I can drink the water on post; this will take some time getting used to. It is really nice to not have to buy all my drinking water. I found out I will need to shell out the cash for ACU's (uniform) that will be around $500, non-refundable. I know I expected this to be an all male unit but it is co-ed. It is a Cavalry unit for another month then we reflagged to something else, I think it is a combat aviation unit. The post layout is long; it is a little bigger than my last post but stretched out so about a 10-15 minute walk to everything.
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