Mar 13, 2006

Rebel With a Cause

I have seen so many people of different backgrounds and upbringings come together for work, to live, and do just about everything together. It is apparent to me how similar so much of the world is compared to me and the lifestyle I lead. It really brings to mind 1 Peter talking about how we are the royal priesthood and set apart and do not belong here, on earth. Amidst so much diversity and such common behavior that is ever so true.

In the seven months since I have been here I have witnessed: clubbing, drinking… and that is about it. For the single enlisted people at least. I easily note who does actual traveling as part of my job. I find that every single person of the character that I might or would hang out with on my own time is married and or has a family. I think seeing that is getting me to look forward to that aspect of my life all the more.

It appears to me that in my generation to be a rebel is the norm. Yea, I went with a spin off of the James Dean movie title for this blog; color me tacky I thought it works. By rebel I think it is most clearly illustrated as taking part in regular activities of partying and the things that surround it, usually drunkenness, and the common lifestyle college students probably face. On the weekends the only difference I think is between a college dorm and the barracks, is that the soldiers are getting paid, and well what do single people interested in the opposite sex tend to use their resources for? Nuff said. In addition the rather "up yours" attitude to put it lightly of much of the authority figures around us is very common. Not quite sure if that is due to the disgruntlement of the job/surroundings or general attitude. I tend to think it is both seeing that I get that attitude from time to time as well.

I find it interesting that numerous people when I get in a conversation and have the chance to steer it about something of substance don't seem to have a direction in what they want out of life. For those who do, it is happiness, not the pursuit but the actual happiness. I think many have seen how content I am, but the separate lifestyle that seems so unfun to so many doesn't quiet connect or cause enough interest for someone to be interested as to why I can be so content. Then again as the months have gone by I have not been nearly as content as before. The overall spiritual wear and tear is taking a toll. That was a good deal of my hopes of Kansas to be near more people with a strong chance of finding more single Christians.

So this brings me to why I believe I am a rebel here. So often the rebel is associated with going against the Man, being a free spirit and all that jazz. More or less doing what I want and not others, also tends to be associated with negative behavior as an expression of one's individuality. Seeing so many different people doing so often the same things, same behavior, and the same attitude, I tend to stick out being the odd one. Being that I am the one going against the flow by standing for what is right; doesn't that then make me the rebel? Because the norm has become to do what is in the best interest of ourselves and I happen live a lifestyle against that mindset.

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